Direct Service Workforce Investment Grant

To: Janus Direct Service Workforce
From: Yolanda Kincaid, President/CEO
Date: February 13, 2023
Re: Direct Service Workforce Investment Grant

The Indiana Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) created a state plan for Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) that is focused on supporting the workforce that provide direct service to individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities. A component of this state spending plan was a grant opportunity. Janus applied for this grant in 2022, we were approved and recently received the funds! As a grant recipient, we happily agreed to the conditions of this grant which is to assure that at least 95% of the funds go directly to Direct Service Workers (DSW). As a result of the payment we received on January 31st, your leadership team is spending 100% of this amount on DSWs through a bonus payment to applicable DSW positions.

For this grant, the state defines a Direct Support Worker (DSW) as a person who provides hands-on care or direct support in HCBS settings for individuals who need assistance to perform routine daily activities secondary to aging and/or disabilities. DSW staff typically have regularly scheduled services and are paid hourly or on a monthly basis. Contractors are eligible DSWs; and a direct supervisor who performs DSW functions when there is a lack of availability of DSWs is eligible (unless their job duties fall in the category of an ineligible recipient which includes: CEOs, CFOs, COOs, CCOs, CMOs, or equivalent agency leadership positions, Administrative staff, Office staff or equivalent employee positions).

The state published a list of services, here are the identified services of their list that Janus is offering this bonus:

  • Community/Day Habilitation

  • Extended Services

  • Facility Habilitation

  • Pre-Vocational

    Based on the above list of services, the following job titles have been identified:

  • DSP – Program Instructor, Work Experience

  • DSP – Program Instructor, Doorways

1555 Westfield Road Noblesville, IN 46062 Ph: 317-773-8781
Fx: 317-773-8798

  • DSP – Capabilities Café Team Lead

  • DSP – Doorways Team Lead

  • DSP – Production Manager

  • DSP – Client Services Manager

On or about February 24, 2023, applicable DSW positions (as indicated above) will receive a second deposit in their linked bank account: the first being the usual pay for hours worked and the second will be the payment from this grant.

  • Applicable part-time DSWs will receive 50% of the amount of a full time DSW.

  • To participate in this bonus, the applicable employee must have completed

    his/her/their 90-day orientation period with Janus.

    As always, thank you for everything that you do each day to support Janus Developmental Services, Inc.
    You are truly appreciated and valued.


    Yolanda Kincaid
    Email: Cell: 317-572-5525


Direct Service Workforce Investment Grant


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